
Monday, November 23, 2009

Students and Blogs: The Quezon City Science High School Case

The issue is originally posted here. However, my comments (the same as posted below) was not approved by the moderator for reasons I do not know. Just read it.

There are two points we have to consider here: first - how exactly the blogs were written? Did these students observe the code of ethics in writing blogs? Did they not go beyond their limitations? second - did the school act according to facts or heresays? Perhaps, there is the “ignorance of the fact” in the part of the school administration and acted only as an immediate self-defense.

I was once a special science high school teacher and I never observed such behavior from our students. They were treated “special” and they treated the institution with respect in return. They never displayed their being special not because they are not “critical” as what rpg player wrote but they displayed their skills academically, that’s why our school became one of the top five secondary schools in the entire country.

What I can sense in the comments of rpg player 90-94 is an expression of radicalism, or better yet a display of “elitism”. I can give another definition of his word “critical” by simply saying they want to put themselves in the extreme/critical pedestal as somebody to be looked up to, not for the good things they have done or can do but for the very obvious reason that they belong to a somewhat “special group” and want “premature recognition”. When rpg player wote: “we are critical of new people that come in our school…” it means to me something a little about talking other people and be him/her the laughing stock, if not respect. I was once also a high school student and I knew how a student thinks.

Always remember, you can not always please everyone and you can not put everyone under the rule of your thumb. There are always rules or codes to be followed and there limitations to be observed.

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