My auntie was diagnosed with a breast cancer and she died. My mother suspected that she had the same sickness when she felt pain in her breasts and it made her worry about to meet the same fate. Of course, no one likes to die early because life is beautiful. But what if you are one of those who belongs to the poorest of the poor and can't afford even a doctor's consultation fee? Worst if the doctor will tell you to buy this and that, or asked you to undergo a theraphy which will cost you a thousands of penny you never have. So, my mother just depended on her faith and kept on praying for a miracle from above.
Until one time in 1986, my sister introduced to us her missionary organization. She was on teary eyes when she told us in brief what is in that group and what we can gain once we joined. Perhaps, that was the answer to my mother's prayer. After few months being on a provisionary period, my mother was screened and became a full-pledged member on February 1987. To cut the story short, since that time, my mother never consulted a doctor about her breast cancer, instead she was the one who did cure herself through divine healing. Thanks GOD! She survived through her own faith and initiative. Truly! There is no impossible with GOD's miracle.
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